FDA QSR’s  – Management of Quality and the Organization

Information & Training. | Medical Devices


QSR Management & the Organization:

In order to ensure effective compliance, the organization will document, manage and implement processes to assure product quality, safety and efficacy. Define the quality impacting roles, responsibilities, authorities and inter-relationships. Determine the criteria and methods to ensure that the operation and control of processes are effective. Ensure that there are suitable resources, including availability of information.

Monitor, measure and analyze relevant processes and procedures. This will be achieved via a variety of means, such as auditing, statistical analysis, performance feedback, etc..

Apply actions based on the knowledge gained to improve processes and the overall quality management system. Implement an annual (or bi-annual) Management Review.

An independent quality unit with authority to fulfill certain relevant quality system responsibilities will be established.


QSR Management

Validation. Classification. Regulation. Requirements. Current best practices.
FDA cGMP’s. EU MDR’s / MDD’s.
FDA Medical Device Regulation. Outline of the FDA regulatory requirements.
FDA Medical Device Classification. The FDA approach to Medical Device Classification.
EU Medical Device Regulation and Classification (per MDD’s).
New European Medical Device Regulations (MDR’s). MDR Classification. MDR General Safety requirements.
Current Good Manufacturing Practices. QSR’s. General requirements of the QSR’s.
Quality System requirements to maintain compliant Validations.
Medical Device Process Validation. Validation requirements. Protocol development. IQ. OQ. PQ.
Medical Device Software Validation.
Medical Device Design Validation.
Electronic Signature, Electronic Records.
Life Cycle Approach to Validation.
Risk Identification. Documentation. DHR’s. DMR’s.
Etc. Etc. …
Information & Training presentation >>>

Sec. 820.20 QSR Management Responsibility.

a) Quality policy. Management with executive responsibility shall establish its policy and objectives for, and commitment to, quality. Management with executive responsibility shall ensure that the quality policy is understood, implemented, and maintained at all levels of the organization.

(b) Organization. Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure to ensure that devices are designed and produced in accordance with the requirements of this part.

(1) Responsibility and authority. Each manufacturer shall establish the appropriate responsibility, authority, and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform, and assess work affecting quality, and provide the independence and authority necessary to perform these tasks.

(2) Resources. Each manufacturer shall provide adequate resources, including the assignment of trained personnel, for management, performance of work, and assessment activities, including internal quality audits, to meet the requirements of this part.

(3) Management representative. Management with executive responsibility shall appoint, and document such appointment of, a member of management who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have established authority over and responsibility for:

(i) Ensuring that quality system requirements are effectively established and effectively maintained in accordance with this part; and

(ii) Reporting on the performance of the quality system to management with executive responsibility for review.

(c) Management review. Management with executive responsibility shall review the suitability and effectiveness of the quality system at defined intervals and with sufficient frequency according to established procedures to ensure that the quality system satisfies the requirements of this part and the manufacturer’s established quality policy and objectives. The dates and results of quality system reviews shall be documented.

(d) Quality planning. Each manufacturer shall establish a quality plan which defines the quality practices, resources, and activities relevant to devices that are designed and manufactured. The manufacturer shall establish how the requirements for quality will be met.

(e) Quality system procedures. Each manufacturer shall establish quality system procedures and instructions. An outline of the structure of the documentation used in the quality system shall be established where appropriate.



QSR Management & Personnel:

Staff must be competent via training, education and/or experience to perform the required tasks per approved procedures. Staff must receive initial training and re-fresher training as necessary. There must be sufficient numbers of staff to assure product integrity. All staff should have individual training plans. Staff should be informed about the company, policies, procedures and products. They need to be aware of potential product failures associated with their area of work responsibility and the potential consequences of such failures. Staff need to be aware of and practice good sanitation and health habits and must be provided with and use appropriate protective clothing and protective equipment. They must be aware of the importance of following procedures and accurate record keeping.


Sec. 820.25 QSR Management & Personnel.

(a) General. Each manufacturer shall have sufficient personnel with the necessary education, background, training, and experience to assure that all activities required by this part are correctly performed.

(b) Training. Each manufacturer shall establish procedures for identifying training needs and ensure that all personnel are trained to adequately perform their assigned responsibilities. Training shall be documented.

(1) As part of their training, personnel shall be made aware of device defects which may occur from the improper performance of their specific jobs.

(2) Personnel who perform verification and validation activities shall be made aware of defects and errors that may be encountered as part of their job functions.

Information & Training.

Medical Device:

      • Validation. Classification. Regulation. Requirements. Current best practices.
      • FDA cGMP’s. EU MDR’s / MDD’s.
      • FDA Medical Device Regulation. Outline of the FDA regulatory requirements.
      • FDA Medical Device Classification. The FDA approach to Medical Device Classification.
      • EU Medical Device Regulation and Classification (per MDD’s).
      • New European Medical Device Regulations (MDR’s). MDR Classification. MDR General Safety requirements.
      • Current Good Manufacturing Practices. QSR’s. General requirements of the QSR’s.
      • Quality System requirements to maintain compliant Validations.
      • Medical Device Process Validation. Validation requirements. Protocol development. IQ. OQ. PQ.
      • Medical Device Software Validation.
      • Medical Device Design Validation.
      • Electronic Signature, Electronic Records.
      • Life Cycle Approach to Validation.
      • Risk Identification. Documentation. DHR’s. DMR’s.
      • Etc. Etc. …
      • Information & Training presentation >>>
Quality System Regulations